If you’ve changed your mind about an item for any reason, simply return it to us within 30 days of receipt of the product for a full refund or price-matched exchange. Returns of non-faulty items outside of this timeframe cannot be considered.
Items must be returned in their original condition and original packaging.
For us to process your request, products must be returned with a print-out of your order confirmation email, or written note clearly stating your order number, as well as whether you want a refund or replacement. If it’s a replacement (e.g. a different size or colour), please give details. If there’s a problem with your request (e.g. stock availability for exchange), we will notify you by email.
Promotions and Special Offers
If your order includes a free item, all items must be returned together; otherwise, the full price of the free item will be charged. For 'Buy One, Get One Free' offers, refunds can only be issued if all items from the offer are returned together.
Embroidered Items and Made to Order Items: To ensure the perfect fit and design, we recommend checking our size chart and specifications before placing an order for embroidered items, as they are made to order. We kindly request that you carefully review the sizing information and design details, as getting accurate measurements and understanding the embroidery specifics can greatly enhance your satisfaction with your purchase. If you have any uncertainties about your sizing or the embroidery, please feel free to reach out to us before making a purchase. Please note that all embroidered items, being made to order, are non-returnable and non-refundable.
How to return a product:
In the unlikely event of a problem, our UK team is on hand to fix it quickly. For us to do this, faults must be reported to us as soon as you notice them.
Here’s how to report a fault: